Limiting Beliefs (or Why I Can’t Learn to Play the Guitar)

By | May 23, 2013

We all suffer from thoughts that we can’t accomplish things from time to time to time and believe we have legitimate reasons for failure.  One of the most popular I hear about is hand size:  “My hand is too big”, “My hand is too small”, “My fingers are too fat” (yes, that one too!) are all excuses I hear from people who are afraid to succeed on the guitar.

The first thing I tell a new student is not to put restrictions on themselves. Anyone who sincerely wants to play the guitar can play the guitar.  Even if you have arthritis in your hand and experience difficulty with a particular chord form, there are always ways around it.  For example, one of the most popular guitar chords is the G Major chord.  There are five popular ways to play that chord – one of them will probably work for you!

Small hands are not an excuse either (I know, because I used that one myself for years!).  Just get a smaller guitar – problem solved!

Big hands, or fingers too fat?  No, that one won’t work either.  That problem can be overcome by proper technique or a wider neck on the guitar.

“I’m too uncoordinated”, “I don’t have rhythm” – Come on, you really need the guitar!  This is one of the best benefits of learning the guitar.  It can really develop hand-eye coordination and that sense of rhythm will be there in no time.

Seniors love the excuse, “I’m too old to learn something like that”. Nonsense!  Music is good for your brain.  It increases dopamine levels which add to feelings of well-being.  Learning an instrument is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your brain.  You will be surprised to see how engaging learning the guitar can be.

I urge students to give up the limitations and surrender to the possibilities!  You will be amazed at what you can accomplish once you turn your back on those limiting beliefs!


Gail Lees
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Author: Gail Lees

Gail Lees is a professional musician and guitar teacher in Frederick, Maryland. She currently teaches beginner guitar in her home studio. Find her on Google +.